4 min readSep 4, 2019


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In this Bounty0x Spotlight Edition we will be interviewing CMO Andrew Faradani. For those unfamiliar, connects the world’s largest supply of distributed GPU processing power, which belongs to the 1.3 billion gaming PCs in the global gaming community, with the rapidly growing, worldwide demand for massive processing power. This GPU power is harnessed during computer downtime, when you’re afk! GMRX tokens are then rewarded, which can in turn be used for gaming upgrades.

Interviewer: Jordan — Bounty0x Campaign Manager
Andrew Faradani — Gaimin CMO

Q: “How does Gaimin intend to integrate with more mainstream software developers and Publishers?”

A: “We have conversations ongoing now with certain publishers and developers, and the plan is to incorporate them into our online marketplace, work with them to accept our GMRX token directly, or simply use one of the exciting new payment technologies that are being developed, that allow for seamless payments to be made in cryptos. One of the major impacts blockchain will have on the gaming industry is in payments.”

Q: “As opposed to an individual running a farm of old machines, can the Gamer contribute and gain from Gaimin even with old GPUs?”

A: “It’s important though to get out of the mindset of a miner. We are not aiming our software at “miners” with mining terms like “running a farm” — that’s not our business model. We offer an amazing solution for gamers. Just think like a gamer, download our software and it does the rest, if you like it tell some friends. It’s simple.”

Q: “How does Gaimin intend to compete, and acquire, highly in demand gamers running advanced GPUs? As a gamer, why do I choose Gaimin and not someone else?”

A: “I don’t know anyone else doing exactly what we do. Don’t over complicate this… our solution is simple… if you’re a gamer, try this, see the rewards, the community, the marketplace, the gamification drops, and if you like it, use it… and then tell some friends.”

Q: “I have a basic gaming computer with a more low end GPU, can I still gain from the platform? As a followup, can I refer others?”

A: “Absolutely. The beautiful thing about our platform is that no matter what your GPU speed, you will be able to benefit and get in-game assets, software, hardware plus additional items for your systems performance. If you have any gaming network of friends, whom have faster computers, you can leverage their PCs in gaining more GMRX tokens via our network expansion program. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

Q: “Outside of social media, what is Gaimin’s strategy to locate and acquire gamers?”

A: “Mainly influencers, events, and direct advertising. We have a detailed outline of our marketing strategy in our whitepaper, where we have systematically identify niche markets and segments to target by a different platforms to spread the word very quickly. Our marketing department has a vast knowledge and experience in subscription-based model businesses, and we cannot wait to get started on this program.”

Q: “I see on the roadmap Gaimin is on schedule, and from our own personal experience I see that you’ve hit your milestones. What can we expect in 2020?”

A: “We’ll keep that latest version of the roadmap on our website. Next year, 2020, will be a massive year for us. In 2019, we proved the concept, built a team and set the foundations. 2020 will be the year of our official software launch and then serious promotion. We are very excited about what’s in store!”

Q: “Why is the asia market your target market, do you expect any hindrances in targeting this market?”

A: “It’s our initial target market, because of its importance and stature in both the gaming and blockchain worlds.”

Q: “Have you done any other Interviews you could highlight for us?”

Interview with:
Martin Speight (CEO)
Clive Aroskin (COO)
Andrew Faridani (CMO)
Buki Ben Natan (CTO)
Calvin Adamus (CPO)

More info about founders can be found here

That was enlightening! I’d like to thank Andrew and the rest of Gaimin for taking the time to do this interview with us, and as always if you have any questions about the Gaimin project please ask in Telegram!

Happy Hunting!


One Pager
English Whitepaper
Chinese Whitepaper
Korean Whitepaper



